Digitisation, centralisation and secure storage of your documents, with intelligence to boot !

Digitise and optimise your administrative and financial processes, increase efficiency and reduce costs with Azopio, a 100% cloud-based solution for dematerialising and centralising your accounting documents! Our intuitive tool will help you make a success of your digital transition !
A simple and effective EDM
Dematerialisation is based on Electronic Document Management (EDM) solutions and rests on 4 fundamental pillars :
- Capture and dematerialisation of documents acquired via the various channels and types :
- Paper mail : Even though paper invoices are on the decline, they are still very common in the form of receipts or bills (e.g. for restaurants or petrol stations).
- Email : Over the last five years, email has become the most popular way to send invoices, which is why Azopio can automatically process emails (attachments and email body) to respond effectively to this channel.
- Centralisation, automated filing and archiving of documents in the cloud, so you can find everything at a glance thanks to our powerful search function and predefined classification methods
- Exploitation of accounting documents through automatic extraction of key information (amounts including VAT, names, dates, etc.), the possibility of using validation workflows and automatic generation of accounting entries.
- 24/7 collaboration and accessibility

Azopio simplifies the management of your accounting documents and facilitates collaborative working; it enables you to search for your invoices and documents in the blink of an eye; it reduces the space and costs involved in archiving your documents; it secures your information thanks to redundant multi-operator and multi-country storage within the European Union; and finally, it enables you to access your documents from anywhere, at any time.